Trail Works, Inc., is a not-for-profit organization that was founded in Wayne County New York in 1997 by a small group of dedicated trail users interested in trail development and expanding trail use.
Our purpose is to provide a unified voice for Wayne County trail users, to coordinate the development and maintenance of high-quality, year-round, multi-use trails, and to educate the public about trails and their location in New York.
The relationships Trail Works has established with local and county governments are vital to our success in any plans for trail development.
Our input and that of other trail groups is important to the local planning process, and the exchange of information and expertise between the various groups is vital to the process of linking trails in Wayne County and with trails in neighboring counties.
Trail Works plans a variety of events to reach out to our local communities, introduce them to outdoor recreation, and develop an appreciation for the need for trails and access to nature areas.
The Challenge and the Potential
There is great potential in Wayne County to make our landscape compatible with our inner needs for harmony with the communities in which we live and work.
Our role as stewards of Forever Wild for Everyone/Wayne County is to develop and/or designate nature trails without barriers so that everyone can enjoy the outdoors.
Our vision includes working with communities in an overall county plan which would link trails between communities and eventually link to the Erie Canal Empire Trail.
Wayne County has some beautiful parks and trails, mostly as the result of steps taken by separate Wayne County Communities or private groups.
Our input, along with other trail groups, is important to the local planning process and exchange of information among various groups. This is vital to linking trails in Wayne County with trails in neighboring counties.
These efforts and others move in the direction of preserving Wayne County heritage and green spaces for the enjoyment and recreation of our future generations.
Projects and Activities
Assisting Wayne County Planning Department with the development of county-wide trails master plan.
Designing and installing trail signage.
Organizing regular hiking, biking, skiing, and canoeing/kayaking outings for residents.
Advocating for trail accessibility (Forever Wild for Everyone).
Work with the Genesee Land Trust in acquiring new land and assist with the development of these trails.
Participation in the annual Canal Clean Sweep.
Support new trail development in Wayne County.
Outdoor Educational programming in orienteering, geocaching, outdoor cooking, birding, wildflowers, and camping.
Outdoor workshop in snowshoeing, x-county skiing, canoeing and kayaking.
Support the “Closing the Gaps” project along the Erie Canal with New York State Canal Corp and Wayne County.
Work with the William G. Pomeroy Foundation to secure grants to highlight the historical significance to local trails.